digital documentation class 10 mcq with answers 2023

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The post’s remainder is set up by the section on digital documentation. In this section, we’ll go over the fundamentals of digital documentation and explain why it’s crucial for students in Class 10 to be well-versed in this field.

It is now essential for students to become familiar with digital documentation and the different issues associated to it due to our growing reliance on technology in our daily lives. This section will give students a solid basis to build on as they proceed through the remainder of the post and get ready for their tests by giving a thorough overview of digital documents.

what is Digital Documentation?

digital documentation class 10 mcq with answers

The process of creating, organizing, storing, and preserving electronic records and papers with the aid of computer systems and digital tools is known as digital documentation. It describes how information, including text, photos, music, and video, is created, managed, and preserved using digital technologies.

Making sure that critical information is readily available, safe, and retrievable is the goal of digital documentation. Digital documentation is used in education to manage and maintain student records, course materials, and other crucial data pertaining to the educational process. As more businesses abandon paper-based systems in favor of digital ones to increase productivity and accessibility, the usage of digital documentation has grown in significance.

Importance of Digital Documentation in Class 10

The modern educational system now relies heavily on digital documentation, which is also an important part of Class 10 studies. Due to the widespread adoption of technology in our daily lives, students must be given the tools they need to manage digital data effectively.

Digital documentation is crucial for Class 10 since it can give pupils access to an extensive and well-organized record of knowledge. This not only aids in their academic work but also equips them for tasks that may require them to manage significant amounts of digital data in the future. The ability to manage digital paperwork is a valuable talent in today’s fast-paced world and is essential for students to succeed in their future employment.

Overview of MCQs in Digital Documentation

Multiple-choice questions, or MCQs, are a common type of evaluation in the field of digital documentation. A student’s knowledge and comprehension of numerous concepts linked to digital documentation will be evaluated by these questions. In Class 10, MCQs are a crucial part of determining a student’s understanding of the material and ability to apply it in practical situations.

Students will gain a better grasp of what to expect in their exams from this section’s review of MCQs in digital documentation and be better equipped to prepare for it. By giving students a thorough understanding of MCQs, they may approach these questions with confidence, improving their exam performance.

digital documentation class 10 mcq with answers

Q1. A _ is a set of formats that you can apply to selected pages, text, frames.

a. Style
b. Template
c. Image
d. Graphics

Q2. We can quickly change the appearance of documents by applying styles.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q3. Which of the following styles is not offered by

a. Page Style
b. Frame Style
c. Presentation Style
d. Video Style

Q4. Which of the style include header and footers, border, margins.

a. Character Style
b. Page Style
c. Frame style
d. Presentation Style

Q5. Which style affect the selected text such as font size, bold and italics format?

a. Cell Styles
b. Numbering Styles
C. Character Styles
D. Frame Styles

Q6. What is the shortcut for opening styles and formatting window?

a. F12
b. F8
c. F11
d. F10

Q7. Styles and Formatting Window is available in __ menu.

a. Format
b. Insert
c. Tools
d. View

Q8. Fill Format mode help to apply styles to many different areas quickly.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q9. When Fill Format mode is active, _ click undo last Fill Format action.

a. right and left
b. left
c. right
d. None of the above

Q10. To quit Fill Format mode press the __ key.

a. Enter
b. Ctrl
c. Shift
d. Escape

Q11. We can create style by :

a. New Style from a selection
b. Dragging and Dropping
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q12. We can create new styles by dragging selected text into Styles and Formatting Window.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q13. We can modify the predefined styles also?(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q14. We can not copy the styles from other document. (T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q15. Images can be added to a document:

a. from file
b. from Open Office gallery
c. directly from scanner
d. All of the above

Q16. Area, where cut and copied image stored, is

a. Clipboard
b. RAM
c. ROM
d. Imageboard

Q17. Shortcut to copy image is ctrl + _

a. v
b. X
c. C
d. None of the above

Q18. To open insert picture dialog box, click on _ menu.

a. Format
b. Insert
c. View
d. Tools

Q19. Click on __ menu to open Gallery.

a. Tools
b. Insert
c. Format
d. View

Q20. Which of the following is correct to open Picture toolbar?

a. View—> Tools—> Picture
b. Insert—> Tools—> Picture
c. View—> Toolbars—> Picture
d. Insert—> Toolbars—> Picture

Q21. We can hide the gallery in Writer if required.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q22. Click on Tools —> Gallery and uncheck the gallery option will_________

a. Hide the gallery
b. Close the gallery
c. Change position of the gallery
d. None of the above

Q23. Choose the correct option to open picture toolbar.

a. View—>Toolbars—>Picture
b. Tool—>Toolbars—>Picture
c. Insert—>Toolbars—>Picture
d. Insert—>Picture—>Toolbars

Q24. Which of the following option is not available in Graphics mode of picture toolbar?

a. Grayscale
b. Black/White
c. Watermark
d. Original

Q25. Flip Vertically option in picture toolbar will make the image as the __

a. mirror placed at the left of the image
b. mirror placed at the right of the image
c. mirror placed at the top of the image
d. mirror placed at the bottom of the image

Q26. Which option is used to undo the task?

a. Ctrl + Z
b. Alt + Backspace
c. Both of the above
d. Ctrl + Y

Q27. Color toolbar allow us to change

a. RGB Color Components
b. Brightness
c. Gamma effect of image
d. All of the above

Q28. Which filter makes the picture appear like painting?

a. Posterize
b. Poster
c. Postersize
d. poster like

Q29. Transparency effect help to create watermark.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q30. Which of the following filter will play with the contrast of the image?

a. Smooth
b. Sharpen
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q31. We can not give border to picture.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q32. Which option help us to take only particular section/part of image?

a. Crop
b. Background
c. Wrap
d. None of the above

Q33. Which option is available in crop page ?

a. Keep Scale
b. Keep image size
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above.

Q34. In which of the following, size of image does not change even after cropping of image?

a. Keep Scale
b. Keep image size
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above.

Q35. How many resizing handles appear when we select any image?

a. 8
b. 6
c. 4
d. 12

Q36. The corner handles resize both ________the and ________ of graphic.

a. Contrast and brightness
b. Width and Height
c. Length and Width
d. None of the above

Q37. To retain original proportion of the graphic, __ + click one of the corner handles.

a. Ctrl
b. Alt
c. Shift
d. None of the above

Q38. Writer does not provide a direct tool to rotate a picture.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q39. To open drawing toolbar, click on _ menu.

a. Format
b. Edit
c. Insert
d. View

Q40. Rotate option available on __ toolbar.

a. Picture
b. Art
c. Drawing
d. None of the above

Q41. To select two drawing objects in Writer, Select one object and hold __ key and select other object.

a. Ctrl
b. Alt
c. Spacebar
d. Shift

Q42. __ menu have the option to group drawing object in Writer.

a. Format
b. Edit
c. Insert
d. View

Q43. Once we group two or more objects in Writer, we can not ungroup them.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q44. When we right click on drawing object, a __ menu open.

a. Pop up Menu
b. Shortcut Menu
c. Context Menu
d. All of the above

Q45. Writer is a DTP Software.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q46. Which of the following setting is not used for positioning of graphic?

a. Arrange
b. Alignment
c. Wrap
d. Caption

Q47. _ refers to the relation of graphics to the surrounding text.

a. Anchoring
b. Text Wrapping
c. Graphic Wrapping
d. All of the above

Q48. ____ refers to the reference point for the graphics.

a. Anchoring
b. Text Wrapping
c. Text Reference
d. All of the above

Q49. Alignment refers to vertical or horizontal placement of graphic. (T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q50. Four resizing handles(other than the corner handles) resize image only in one dimension.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q51. A _ is a model that we use to create other documents.

a. template
b. style
c. image
d. none of the above

Q52. Ananya wants that her company’s logo should automatically appear on the top of the Writer document whenever she opens a new document. Which feature of Writer will help her to do so?

a. Style
b. Automatic
c. Template
d. All of the above

Q53. A template can have :

a. Text
b. Graphic
c. Particular Style
d. All of the above

Q54. We can create template in ______

a. Writer
b. Spreadsheet
c. Impress
d. All of the above

Q55. Template option is available in ____ menu

a. File
b. Edit
c. Insert
d. Tool

Q56. We can not create our own template.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q57. We can create template for __

a. Letter
b. Fax
c. Presentation
d. All of the above

Q58. We can create template using Wizard.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q59. We can create new document by choosing

a. File>>New
b. Edit >> New
c. Insert >> New
d. None of the above

Q60. Template management dialog box opens by clicking on _

a. File >>Template>>Manage
b. File >>Template>>Organize
c. File >>Template>>Balance
d. None of the above

Q61. _ feature of Writer help us to build an automated index from heading.

a. Table of Contents
b. Style
c. Template
d. None of the above

Q62. Indexes and Tables option available in _ menu.

a. File
b. Edit
c. View
d. Insert

Q63. Table of Contents in Writer will automatically update when we add or remove any heading.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q64. Which of the following tab is not available in insert Index/Table dialog box?

a. Entries
b. Styles
c. Background
d. None of the above

Q65. Which of the following levels of headings can be indexed in Writer?

a. H1
b. H3
c. H7
d. All of the above

Q66. We can not change the table of content directly inthe document if:

a. “Protected against manual changes” check box is selected
b. number of level is 3
c. Title is entered in the Title field
d. None of the above

Q67. The E# button in Entries tab of Insert Index / Table represent.

a. Entry Text
b. Chapter number
c. Tab Stop
d. Page Number

Q68. The “LS” button in Entries tab of Insert Index / Table represent

a. End of a hyperlink
b. Left Side
c. Start of a hyperlink
d. Page number

Q69. Which tab of Insert Index/Table dialog box help us to apply paragraph style to the table of content.

a. Paragraph Style
b. Styles
c. Columns
d. Background

Q70. We can add a graphic in the background of Table of Content.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q71. Mail Merge involves merging of

a. two documents
b. two mails
c. both of the above
d. None of the above

Q72. Which of the following feature of Writer help us to create a letter for multiple people with personalized touch?

a. Letter Merge
b. Template
c. Mail Merge
d. Style

Q73. Writer prompt you to confirm delete while deleting table of content.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q74. Amit buys a new Showroom and wants to invite his friends and relatives (approximately 100) on inauguration ceremony. Which feature of Writer will help him to create personalized invitation letter for every one?

a. Documentation
b. Mail Merge
c. Style
d. Template

Q75. Document (in mail merge) which contain the common data is called __

a. Data Source
b. Common Document
c. Main Document
d. None of the above

Q76. List that contain name, addresses etc which changes in every document is called _

a. Data Source
b. Main Document
c. Main List
d. None of the above

Q77. _ is a feature on word processing software that help users to create personalized letters, greeting cards with different names and addresses stored in a database.

a. Merging of Mail
b. Merge Mail
c. Mail Merge
d. None of the above

Q78. Data Source in Writer can be created in ____

a. Spreadsheet
b. MySQL
c. Oracle
d. All of the above

Q79. What is the shortcut to see non – printing characters in Writer?

a. Ctrl + F11
b. Ctrl + F12
c. Ctrl + F1
d. Ctrl + F10

Q80. Advantages of Mail Merge is

a. Time Consuming
b. Write letter multiple times
c. Difficult to implement
d. None of the above

Q81. When you apply a style, you apply a whole group of formats at the same time. (T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q82. Aman wants to apply few formatting features like “font size 14pt, Times New Roman, bold, centered” multiple times in his document. Which of the following option will help him to apply all the formatting features at once?

a. Template
b. Style
c. Table of Contents
d. Mail Merge

Q83. Aman wants to to change the indentation of all paragraphs and also to change the font of all titles in a document. Which of the following option will make the task easy for him?

a. Style
b. Template
c. Mail Merge
d. All of the above

Q84. Which of the following option is not correct in reference to style?

a. A style is a set of formats that you can apply to selected pages to quickly change their appearance.
b. Styles help to improve consistency in a document.
c. Styles make major formatting changes easy.
d. None of the above

Q85. __ in drawings and presentations include line, area, shadowing, transparency, font, connectors, dimension, and other attributes.

a. Presentation styles
b. Frame styles
c. Cell styles
d. Graphics styles

Q86. Which of the style is not supported by OpenOffice Writer?

a. Column Style
b. Presentation Style
c. Frame Style
d. Page Style

Q87. Which style is used to format graphic and text frames, including wrapping type, borders, backgrounds, and columns.

a. Page
b. Frame
c. Cell
d. Character

Q88. Which of the following is the correct way to open Styles and Formatting window?

a. Click the Styles and Formatting icon located at the left-hand end of the object bar.
b. Click Format > Styles and Formatting
c. Press F11
d. All of the above

Q89. Name the window open when we press F11 in OpenOffice Writer.

a. Styles and Formatting
b. Spell check
c. Insert Table
d. Save as

Q90. We can move Style and Formatting window to a convenient position on the screen by _

a. dragging it from the title bar
b. dragging it from the corner
c. dragging it from the bottom
d. None of the above

Q91. Which mode is used to apply a same style to many different areas quickly?

a. Fill format
b. Fill table
c. Fill Style
d. Fill data

Q92. How can you quit Fill Format mode in Open Office Writer?

a. Click the Fill Format mode icon again
b. press the Esc key
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q93. When fill format mode is active in Writer, __ of mouse will act as an undo button.

a. click
b. left click
c. right click
d. double click

Q94. We can create a new(Custom) style by

a. Creating a new style from a selection.
b. drag and drop a text selection into the Styles and Formatting window to create a new style.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q95. In Open Office Writer we can modify

a. only predefined styles
b. only customized style
c. both predefined and customized style
d. None of the above

Q96. Which of the following icons are present in Styles and Formatting Window?

a. Character Style
b. Frame Style
c. New Style from Selection
d. All of the above

Q97. Which icon in Style and Formatting window help to create new style and also to modify the existing styles?

a. Character Frame
b. New Style from Selection
c. List Style
d. Paragraph Style

Q98. To Load Styles from a template or document click on___

A. New Style From Selection Icon, And Then Click On Load Styles
b. New Style from Selection icon, and then click on Upload Styles
c. New Style from Selection icon, and then click on Update Styles
d. None of the above

Q99. To copy the styles from another document, click the _ button to open a window from which you can select the required document.

a. From Image
b. From Data
c. From File
d. From Document

Q100. Style and Formatting icon available in __ toolbar.

a. Formatting
b. Drawing
c. Standard
d. Picture

Q101. Aman wants to add an image in an Open Office Writer document. He can add image in a document

a. by inserting an image file
b. directly from a graphics program or a scanner
c. from the Open Office Gallery
d. All of the above

Q102. At the bottom of the Insert Picture dialog box, there are two options and

a. Link, Previous
b. Link, Preview
c. Join, Preview
d. Embed, Preview

Q103. Which option in Insert Picture dialog box help to view a thumbnail of the selected image on the right?

a. Link
b. Overview
c. Preview
d. Show

Q104. If the source document from which the image was copied is closed before the image is pasted into the target document, the image stored on the clipboard could be lost.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q105. To insert an image using scanner select

a. Insert > Picture > Select Source > Scan
b. Insert > Picture > Scan > Select Source
c. Edit > Picture > Scan > Select Source
d. Format > Picture > Scan > Select Source

Q106. In OpenOffice Writer, Gallery icon is present on____

A. Standard Toolbar
b. Formatting Toolbar
c. Picture Toolbar
d. Object Toolbar

Q107. By default, the Gallery in Writer is docked

a. below the Writer workspace
b. above the Writer workspace
c. left of the Writer workspace
d. right of the Writer workspace

Q108. To copy a picture from gallery, we can do right-click on the picture and choose _

a. Edit>Copy
b. Format>Copy
c. Copy>Copy
d. Insert>Copy

Q109. In OpenOffice Writer, we can close the gallery by

a. choosing Tools > Gallery to uncheck the Gallery entry
b. clicking on Gallery icon again
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q110. Which toolbar can be opened from Picture toolbar in Open Office Writer?

a. Graphic Filter toolbar
b. Color toolbar
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q111. Aman inserted an image in OpenOffice Writer and now he wants to apply small corrections to the graphic or apply some special effects. Which of the following toolbar will help him to format the inserted picture?

A. Picture Toolbar
b. Graphic Filter toolbar
c. Color toolbar
d. All of the above

Q112. Which of the following toolbar opened from Picture toolbar as a separate floating toolbar?

a. Graphic Filter toolbar
b. Color toolbar
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q113. We can change color images to grayscale

a. by selecting the image and then selecting Grayscale from the Graphics mode list.
b. by selecting the image and then selecting Grayscale from the Picture mode list.
c. by selecting the image and then selecting Grayscale from the color mode list.
d. None of the above

Q114. ___________________toolbar is used to modify the individual RGB color components of the image

a. Filter
b. Color
c. Picture
d. Graphic

Q115. Which of the following is example of Graphic filter?

a. Invert
b. Aging
c. Posterize
d. All of the above

Q116. ___________________toolbar is used to modify the brightness, contrast, and gamma of the image

a. Filter
b. Color
c. Picture
d. Graphic

Q117. Which graphic filter mimics the effects of too much light in a picture.

a. Sharpen
b. Smooth
c. Pop Art
d. Solarization

Q118. Which of the following option is useful to create watermark in Open Office Writer?

a. Transparency
b. Graphic Filter
c. Color
d. Flip Horizontally

Q119. In Open Office Writer, transparency option is available on _ toolbar

a. Graphic mode
b. Filter
c. Picture
d. Color

Q120. Write the way to open the picture dialog box in Open Office Writer?

a. double click on the inserted picture
b. right-click on the inserted image and selecting Picture
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q121. Aman is working in Open Office Writer and trying to insert only a particular section/part of an image. Which of the following option is suitable to complete his task?

a. Wrap
b. Crop
c. Hyperlink
d. Macro

Q122. Which of the following toolbar help to crop an image?

a. Filter
b. Graphic
c. Picture
d. Color

Q123. In the Crop page of picture toolbar, we can not control _ parameter.

a. Keep scale / Keep image size
b. Left, Right, Top, and Bottom
c. Width and Height
d. Length and Breadth

Q124. Which of the following option is by default selected in crop page of picture toolbar?

a. Keep Scale
b. Keep image size
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q125. When _ is selected, cropping the image does not change the scale of the picture.

a. Keep image size
b. Keep scale
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q126. Cropping an image or resizing an image is same. (T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q127. How many resizing handle appear when we clickon an image in an Open Office Writer?

a. 4
b. 6
c. 8
d. 10

Q128. Which of the following options is available in Picture dialog box?

a. Crop
b. Picture
c. Border
d. All of the above

Q129. Which of the following option is not available in Picture dialog box?

a. Hyperlink
b. Type
c. Macro
d. Image

Q130. In the Type page of the Picture dialog box, select the _ to toggle between percentage and actual dimension

a. Relative option
b. Toggle Option
c. Change Option
d. Show Option

Q131. On the Crop page of Picture dialog box we can adjust the __ settings.

a. Scale Width and Height
b. Image Size
c. Original Size
d. All of the above

Q132. On the Crop page of Picture dialog box clicking on the _ button restores the original image size.

a. Original Size
b. First Size
c. Back to Size
d. Previous Size

Q133. For more accurate resizing of pictures, use _ page of the Picture dialog box

a. Borders
b. Crop
c. Background
d. Menu

Q134. In the crop page of picture dialog box _ option is selected by default.

a. Keep image size
b. Keep scale
c. Keep ratio
d. Keep size

Q135. To cancel the selected drawing tool from drawing toolbar ___

a. Press the Esc key
b. Click on the Select icon (the arrow) on the Drawing toolbar.
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q136. Select one object, then hold down the __ and select the others you want to include in the group

a. Alt key
b. Ctrl key
c. Shift key
d. Fn key

Q137. We cannot include ___ graphic in a group with drawing objects

a. Embedded
b. Linked
c. Both of the above
d. None of the above

Q138. Writer is a __

a. Word Processor
b. Desktop Publishing Software
d. Presentation Software

Q139. Positioning of a graphic is controlled by __ settings.

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

Q140. __ controls how graphics are stacked upon each other or relative to the text.

a. Alignment
b. Arrangement
c. Anchoring
d. Text wrapping

Q141. All documents in are based on____

a. Templates
b. Style
c. Format
d. Page Style

Q142. We can create our own templates in __ ways.

a. 1
b. 3
c. 2
d. 4

Q143. To save a document as a template click on __

a. File > Templates > Create
b. Edit > Templates > Save
c. File > Templates > Save
d. Edit > Templates > Create

Q144. __ can also contain predefined text, saving you from having to type it every time you create a new document.

a. Templates
b. Styles
c. Number style
d. Paragraph style

Q145. We can create templates for ______

a. Letters
b. Faxes
c. Presentations
d. All of the above

Q146. Step to create template for letter using wizard is______

a. File>Wizards>Letter
b. Edit>Wizards>Letter
c. Format>Wizards>Letter
d. Insert>Wizards>Letter

Q147. In __ section of the wizard of creating template, we can specify the name and location for saving the template.

a. First
b. Second
c. Last
d. None of the above

Q148. Steps to set a custom template as the default are:

  1. select the folder containing the template.
  2. choose Set As Default Template from the drop-down menu
  3. Open Template Management Dialog.
    Choose The Correct Sequence

a. 1>2>3
b. 3>2>1
c. 3>1>2
d. 1>3>2

Q149. Writer’s table of contents feature help us to build an automated table of contents from the __ in our document.

a. Default template
b. Template
c. Style
d. Headings

Q150. Steps to open Insert Index/Table dialog box is___

a. Edit > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables
b. Insert > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables
c. View > Indexes and Tables > Indexes and Tables
d. Insert > Indexes and Tables

Q151. To update the table of contents right-click on table of contents and select __ from the pop-up menu.

a. Update Index
b. Update Index/Table
c. Modify Index/Table
d. Update table of contents

Q152. After creating table of content if we add or delete text (so that headings move to different pages) or we add, delete, or change headings. Changes will reflect in Table of Contents only after _

a. saving the document.
b. opening a new document
c. updating table of contents
d. creating table of content again.

Q153. Which of the following tab is not the part of Insert Index/Table dialog box?

a. Entries
b. Styles
c. Rows
d. Columns

Q154. To delete the title of Table of Contents________________

a. Clear the Title field
b. Click on delete button
c. Click on Remove button
d. Click on Clear button

Q155. Which of the following checkbox help to protect the table of contents from being changed accidentally?

a. Outline
b. Index marks
c. Protected manual changes
d. Protected against manual changes

Q156. Which of the following option will help user to change the table of contents directly on the document page, just like other text.

a. Selecting “Protected against manual changes” check box
b. Not-Selecting “Protected against manual changes” check box
c. Selecting “Outline” check box
d. Selecting “Index marks” check box

Q157. To change the number of levels of headings evaluated while creating table of contents, enter the desired number in the _ spin box

a. Evaluate up to level
b. Evaluate level
c. Evaluate up to
d. Evaluate

Q158. Writer automatically assigns to the table of contents all paragraphs formatted with the default heading styles (Heading 1, Heading 2, and so on). To assign paragraphs formatted with custom styles check the _ check box

a. New Styles
b. Latest Styles
c. My Styles
d. Additional Styles

Q159. Which tab of Insert Index/Table dialog box help us to add colour or graphic to the table background?

a. Entries
b. Styles
c. Background
d. Columns

Q160. Which tab of Insert Index/Table dialog box help us to add colour to the background of the table of contents?

a. Entries
b. Colour
c. Background
d. Columns

Q161. To delete color from the table of content background, From the As drop-down list, select _ and Click __ on the color grid

a. Color, No Fill
b. No Fill, Color
c. Background, No Fill
d. Color, No Colo

Q162. To Edit the Table of Contents, Click anywhere in the table of contents and then right click. From the context menu, choose __

a. Change Index/Table
b. Modify Index/Table
c. Edit Index/Table
d. New Index/Table

Q163. To update the Table of Contents, Click anywhere in the table of contents and then right click. From the context menu, choose __

a. Change Index/Table
b. Update Index/Table
c. Latest Index/Table
d. New Index/Table

Q164. To delete the Table of Contents, Click anywhere in the table of contents and then right click. From the context menu, choose __

a. Delete Index/Table
b. Remove Index/Table
c. Clear Index/Table
d. Clean Index/Table

Q165. While deleting Table of Contents, Writer prompt you to confirm the delete.(T/F)

a. True
b. False

Q166. A __ is a quick way to take a list of people’s mailing addresses and generate labels or envelopes.

a. Template
b. Mail Merge
c. Style
d. Table of Content

Q167. Which feature of Writer is helpful for any person or organisation that has a lot of clients, partners, parents and children, or other people to communicate with.

a. Style
b. Template
c. Table of Contents
d. Mail Merge

Q168. Shortcut to view non-printing characters is __

a. Ctrl + F7
b. Ctrl + F8
c. Ctrl + F10
d. Ctrl + F9

Q169. Non Printing character option available in _ menu.

a. File
b. Edit
c. View
d. Insert

Q170. In the Mail Merge dialog (), you can choose to print all records or selected records. To select records to be printed, use __ to select individual records

a. Ctrl+click
b. Shift+click
c. Alt+click
d. Ctrl+Alt + click

The Concept of Digital Documentation in MCQs

The idea of “digital documentation” describes the procedure for producing, storing, and maintaining electronic data and information. This idea is put to the test in digital documentation MCQs through a variety of questions that gauge a student’s comprehension of important concepts and procedures connected to digital documentation.

Basic concepts to complex scenarios may be covered in these inquiries, which call for pupils to use their knowledge and critical-thinking abilities. For students taking Class 10 exams, a thorough understanding of the notion of digital documentation is crucial since it serves as the starting point for later, more complex topics. Students will be better prepared to tackle the difficulties presented by MCQs and do well on their exams if they have a thorough understanding of digital documents.

Types of Questions in Digital Documentation MCQs

Students can anticipate seeing a variety of questions in MCQs on digital documentation. Definition-based, application-based, and scenario-based questions are a few examples of typical question types. Definition-based inquiries assess a student’s comprehension of crucial terminologies and ideas about digital documentation. Students must apply their understanding of digital documentation to actual-world situations in order to successfully complete application-based questions.

On the other hand, scenario-based questions present a circumstance or issue regarding digital documentation and ask the student to select the best solution. Students will be better prepared for their exams and have a greater chance of success if they are aware of the various types of questions that may be found in MCQs for digital documents.

How to Prepare for Digital Documentation MCQs

Preparation is key to success in digital documentation MCQs. Here are some tips to help students prepare effectively:

  1. Study the syllabus thoroughly: Understanding the topics covered in the syllabus is the first step to preparing for digital documentation MCQs.
  2. Practice regularly: Solving MCQs on a regular basis will help students get a better grip on the subject and identify areas where they need improvement.
  3. Use study materials: There are various study materials available online, such as textbooks, study guides, and practice papers, which can be used to prepare for digital documentation MCQs.
  4. Seek help from teachers: Teachers can provide valuable insights and guidance on how to approach digital documentation MCQs and provide feedback on areas where students need improvement.
  5. Utilize technology: Technology can be a great tool to enhance the learning process. Students can use online resources such as videos, tutorials, and interactive simulations to improve their understanding of digital documentation.

By following these tips, students can effectively prepare for digital documentation MCQs and increase their chances of success in their exams.

Tips and Tricks to Score High in Digital Documentation MCQs

To score high in digital documentation MCQs, students need to adopt a strategic approach. Here are some tips and tricks to help them achieve their goals:

  1. Read questions carefully: Ensure that you understand what the question is asking before attempting to answer.
  2. Manage your time effectively: Time management is critical in MCQs, as students need to answer a large number of questions within a limited time frame.
  3. Look for clues in the question: Some questions may contain clues that can help students eliminate incorrect options and increase their chances of choosing the correct answer.
  4. Don’t panic: Stay calm and focused, even if you encounter a difficult question. Take a deep breath and think logically.
  5. Know your strengths and weaknesses: Identifying your strengths and weaknesses will help you prioritize your study efforts and improve your performance in MCQs.

By following these tips and tricks, students can effectively approach digital documentation MCQs and maximize their chances of scoring high in their exams.

The Most Common Mistakes to Avoid in Digital Documentation MCQs

To perform well in digital documentation MCQs, it is important to avoid common mistakes. Here are some of the most common mistakes that students should be aware of:

  1. Not reading questions carefully: Students should read questions carefully and understand what they are asking before attempting to answer.
  2. Assuming the answer: Don’t assume that the answer is obvious, as this can lead to incorrect answers.
  3. Not managing time effectively: Time management is critical in MCQs, so students should allocate their time effectively to ensure that they answer all questions.
  4. Not reviewing their answers: Students should review their answers and make sure that they have answered all questions before submitting their paper.
  5. Overthinking: Don’t overthink the questions, as this can lead to confusion and wasted time.

By avoiding these common mistakes, students can approach digital documentation MCQs with confidence and increase their chances of success in their exams.

Benefits of Solving Digital Documentation MCQs with Answers

Solving digital documentation MCQs with answers can bring numerous benefits to students. Some of the key benefits include:

  1. Improved understanding of the subject: MCQs provide a clear and concise way to assess a student’s understanding of digital documentation and identify areas where they need improvement.
  2. Increased confidence: Solving MCQs with answers can increase a student’s confidence, as they get a sense of what to expect in their exams.
  3. Better time management skills: MCQs require students to manage their time effectively, which can help them develop better time management skills.
  4. Enhanced critical thinking skills: MCQs require students to think critically and analyze information, which can help them improve their problem-solving and decision-making skills.
  5. Better exam preparation: Solving MCQs with answers can help students prepare effectively for their exams and increase their chances of success.

By taking advantage of the benefits of solving digital documentation MCQs with answers, students can enhance their learning experience and achieve their academic goals.


In conclusion, kids in Class 10 need to understand the concept of digital documentation in order to succeed academically. MCQs are an effective technique for gauging a student’s comprehension of digital documentation and for test practise. Students can tackle digital documentation MCQs with confidence and increase their chances of success by heeding the advice provided in this blog post. Additionally, answering the multiple-choice questions on digital material with answers can have a number of advantages, including better exam preparation, increased confidence, improved time management, and improved critical thinking abilities. Students can succeed in their studies and in their tests by utilising these advantages.

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