Cartoon Network Internship | Launch Your Animation Career | How to apply? in 2023

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Cartoon Network is a popular television network that features animated shows and is well-known for its unique and creative programming that has been entertaining audiences since 1992. Known for its quirky and imaginative programming, Cartoon Network has become a beloved staple of children’s television, offering a wide range of animated shows that appeal to viewers of all ages.

But did you know that Cartoon Network also offers exciting internship opportunities? If you’re passionate about animation, media, and entertainment, a Cartoon Network internship could be a great way to get your foot in the door and gain valuable industry experience.

In this blog post, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Cartoon Network internships. From the types of roles available to the application process, we’ll cover all the basics and give you a better idea of what it’s like to intern at this iconic channel. Whether you’re a student looking for your first professional opportunity or a seasoned professional looking to switch gears, a Cartoon Network internship could be the perfect next step in your career journey.

What is the Cartoon Network internship program?

cartoon network internship

The Cartoon Network internship program offers students and recent graduates the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the media and entertainment industry. Interns work alongside industry professionals and contribute to the development and production of some of Cartoon Network’s most beloved shows.

The types of roles available through the Cartoon Network internship program vary depending on the needs of the company, but may include positions in areas such as production, development, social media, and marketing. Interns may also have the opportunity to work on projects related to Cartoon Network’s digital platforms, such as mobile apps and online games.

Cartoon Network offers internships that typically run 10 to 12 weeks over the summer, fall, and spring semesters. Candidates must be enrolled or have recently graduated from an institution of higher learning that has earned accreditation. Candidates must exhibit a passion for animation and narrative as well as have a good portfolio of original artwork.

The application process for a Cartoon Network internship involves submitting a resume and cover letter, as well as a portfolio or reel demonstrating your skills and experience. Applicants may also be asked to complete a phone or video interview. Selected candidates will be notified by email or phone, and will be required to undergo a background check before beginning their internship.

What do Cartoon Network interns do?

Cartoon Network interns have the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects and tasks, depending on their specific role and department. Here are some examples of the types of tasks and projects that interns at Cartoon Network may be responsible for:

  • Assisting with pre-production tasks, such as script revisions, storyboarding, and character design.
  • Supporting the production team by helping with production scheduling, asset management, and quality control.
  • Collaborating with the marketing and social media teams to create promotional materials, such as trailers and social media posts.
  • Assisting with post-production tasks, such as editing, sound design, and color grading.
  • Conducting research on industry trends and competitors to inform development and production decisions.
  • Participating in brainstorming sessions and contributing creative ideas for new shows and projects.

In addition to the specific tasks they are responsible for, Cartoon Network interns have the opportunity to learn a wide range of skills that are valuable in the entertainment industry. These skills may include:

  • Familiarity with industry-standard software, such as Adobe Creative Suite and Toon Boom Harmony.
  • Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, as well as the ability to collaborate with others effectively.
  • Time management and organizational skills, in order to manage multiple projects and meet deadlines.
  • A deep understanding of the animation production pipeline, from pre-production through post-production.
  • An understanding of the creative process and how ideas are developed and executed in the entertainment industry.

Cartoon Network interns have the opportunity to gain practical experience in a wide range of areas, develop valuable skills, and make connections with professionals in the industry.

Who is eligible to apply for a Cartoon Network internship?

cartoon network internship

To be eligible for a Cartoon Network internship, applicants must be currently enrolled in an accredited college or university, or have graduated within the past six months.

While specific degree programs are not always required, applicants should have a strong interest in media and entertainment, particularly in the field of animation. Relevant coursework or prior work experience in related fields, such as film, television, graphic design, or marketing, can also be beneficial.

In addition to meeting the education requirements, successful applicants for a Cartoon Network internship should have excellent communication skills, both written and verbal. They should also be self-motivated, able to work independently and as part of a team, and able to manage their time effectively to meet project deadlines.

Finally, applicants should be passionate about Cartoon Network’s programming and be familiar with the brand’s style and tone. Familiarity with animation software, such as Adobe Creative Suite, can also be helpful, although it is not always required.

while specific qualifications may vary depending on the position and department, successful Cartoon Network interns should have a combination of academic experience, relevant skills, and a passion for the entertainment industry.

Skills and Qualifications requirements for applying Cartoon Network internship

The Cartoon Network Internship Program looks for applicants with a range of technical and creative skills, as well as a strong passion for the animation industry. Here are some specific skills and qualifications that may be required or preferred for the program:

  1. Animation Software: Applicants should have experience using animation software such as Adobe After Effects, Toon Boom, and Maya.
  2. Design Programs: Familiarity with design programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator is often preferred.
  3. Writing and Communication Skills: Strong writing and communication skills are essential for most roles within the program, as interns will be collaborating with other members of the team and communicating with clients and stakeholders.
  4. Creativity and Innovation: Cartoon Network is known for its innovative and creative approach to animation, so applicants should be able to demonstrate their own creativity and ability to generate original ideas.
  5. Attention to Detail: Attention to detail is essential in the animation industry, as even small errors or inconsistencies can detract from the quality of the final product.
  6. Passion for the Industry: Applicants should have a strong passion for the animation industry and a desire to learn and grow as professionals.

the Cartoon Network Internship Program looks for applicants with a combination of technical and creative skills, as well as a strong work ethic and passion for the industry. If you meet these requirements and are interested in pursuing a career in animation, I encourage you to apply and take the first step towards launching your career.

what are the requirements for applying Cartoon Network internship

The specific requirements for applying to the Cartoon Network Internship Program may vary depending on the specific role and department you’re applying for, but here are some general requirements to give you an idea:

  1. Eligibility: To be eligible for the internship program, you must be a current college student or recent college graduate. Some roles may also require previous experience in the animation industry.
  2. Application Materials: To apply for the program, you will need to submit a resume, cover letter, and portfolio showcasing your work and skills. The specific requirements for your portfolio may vary depending on the role you’re applying for.
  3. Skills and Qualifications: The Cartoon Network Internship Program looks for applicants with strong technical and creative skills, including proficiency in animation software and design programs, as well as strong writing and communication skills. Additionally, the program values applicants who are self-motivated, collaborative, and passionate about the animation industry.
  4. Availability: The internship program typically runs for 10-12 weeks during the summer months, so applicants must be available to work full-time during that period.

the Cartoon Network Internship Program is a competitive program, and applicants should be prepared to demonstrate their skills and passion for the industry in their application materials. If you meet the eligibility requirements and have the necessary skills and qualifications, I encourage you to apply and take the first step towards a career in animation.

How to Application Cartoon Network internship program?

cartoon network internship

The application process for the Cartoon Network Internship Program typically involves submitting an online application through the network’s website. The application typically includes a resume, cover letter, and a portfolio of original artwork.

To create a standout application, it’s important to showcase your passion for animation and storytelling. This can be done by highlighting any relevant experience, such as coursework or personal projects, and by including a strong portfolio of original artwork that demonstrates your creative abilities.

It’s also important to tailor your application to the specific requirements of the internship program. This means researching the program and the company to get a sense of the types of projects and initiatives they are currently working on. You can then tailor your cover letter and portfolio to highlight your skills and experiences that are most relevant to these projects.

Finally, it’s important to proofread your application carefully and ensure that it is error-free. This can be done by having someone else review your application, or by reading it out loud to catch any typos or grammatical errors.

the key to creating a standout application for the Cartoon Network Internship Program is to demonstrate your passion for animation, showcase your creative abilities, and tailor your application to the specific requirements of the program. By doing so, you can increase your chances of being selected for this highly competitive internship opportunity.

Tips for standing out in the application process

The competition for Cartoon Network internships can be fierce, so it’s important to take steps to stand out during the application process. Here are some tips for making a strong impression:

  1. Tailor your application materials: When applying for a Cartoon Network internship, make sure your resume, cover letter, and portfolio are tailored specifically to the position you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experience that are most relevant to the position and demonstrate your passion for Cartoon Network’s programming and brand.
  2. Showcase your creativity: Cartoon Network is all about creativity and imagination, so make sure to showcase your own creativity in your application materials. Use interesting design elements in your portfolio or reel, and make sure your writing style is engaging and unique.
  3. Demonstrate your skills: Make sure to showcase your skills and experience in your portfolio or reel. Use real-life examples to demonstrate your ability to work collaboratively, meet deadlines, and think creatively. If you don’t have a lot of professional experience, consider showcasing personal projects or coursework that demonstrate your skills.
  4. Be prepared for the interview: If you’re selected for an interview, make sure to prepare carefully. Research Cartoon Network and the specific department you’ll be interning in, and prepare thoughtful answers to common interview questions. Be ready to discuss your skills and experience in detail, and to provide examples of your work.
  5. Show enthusiasm and passion: Finally, make sure to convey your enthusiasm and passion for Cartoon Network and the entertainment industry throughout the application process. Show that you’re excited about the opportunity to work with top industry professionals and contribute to the development of some of Cartoon Network’s most beloved shows.

Benefits of interning at Cartoon Network

There are many benefits to interning at Cartoon Network, making it an attractive opportunity for aspiring entertainment professionals. Here are some of the key benefits of interning at Cartoon Network:

  1. Work with top industry professionals: Cartoon Network is a leading entertainment company, and interning there provides the opportunity to work alongside some of the best and most experienced professionals in the industry. This can provide valuable insights into the industry and help you develop skills and knowledge that will be useful throughout your career.
  2. Gain hands-on experience in the entertainment industry: Cartoon Network internships are designed to provide practical, hands-on experience in the entertainment industry. Interns have the opportunity to work on real projects and tasks, and to contribute to the development and production of some of Cartoon Network’s most beloved shows.
  3. Build your professional network: Interning at Cartoon Network also provides the opportunity to build your professional network, connecting with professionals in the industry and making contacts that could be useful in your future career. You’ll also have the chance to meet and collaborate with other interns, who may become future colleagues or collaborators.
  4. Exposure to different areas of the industry: Cartoon Network internships are available in a variety of departments, giving interns the opportunity to explore different areas of the entertainment industry and develop a deeper understanding of how the industry works. This can help you identify areas of interest and potential career paths.
  5. Potential for future employment: Finally, internships at Cartoon Network can often lead to future employment opportunities, either within the company or elsewhere in the industry. Many interns have gone on to successful careers in animation, film, television, and other related fields, and an internship at Cartoon Network can be a great way to launch your own career.

Stories from past Cartoon Network interns

cartoon network internship

There are many stories from past Cartoon Network interns that highlight the valuable experiences and opportunities available through the internship program. Here are a few examples:

  1. Emily’s story: Emily, a former Cartoon Network intern, credits her internship with helping her land her first job in the entertainment industry. During her internship, she worked on the production team for a popular Cartoon Network show, and was able to get hands-on experience with every stage of the animation production process. She also appreciated the supportive and collaborative environment at Cartoon Network, and the opportunity to work alongside experienced professionals in the industry.
  2. Alex’s story: Alex, another former Cartoon Network intern, enjoyed the opportunity to work with a wide range of teams and departments during his internship. He worked on both the production and marketing sides of the business, which gave him a broad understanding of how the entertainment industry works. He also appreciated the opportunity to build his professional network and connect with other interns and professionals in the industry.
  3. Lily’s story: Lily, a former Cartoon Network intern in the marketing department, appreciated the opportunity to work on real projects and contribute to the development of promotional materials for Cartoon Network shows. She also appreciated the company culture at Cartoon Network, which emphasized collaboration and creativity. The skills and experience she gained during her internship helped her land a job in the marketing department of another major entertainment company after graduation.

Overall, past Cartoon Network interns have highlighted the valuable skills and experiences they gained during their internships, as well as the supportive and collaborative culture at Cartoon Network. Many have gone on to successful careers in the entertainment industry, and credit their internships with helping them launch their careers.

Other opportunities for aspiring entertainment professionals

There are a variety of other opportunities available for aspiring entertainment professionals beyond internships at Cartoon Network. Here are a few examples:

  1. Fellowships: Many entertainment companies and organizations offer fellowship programs, which provide emerging professionals with mentorship, training, and networking opportunities. These programs are often designed to support diversity and inclusivity in the industry, and may be targeted at specific demographics or areas of interest.
  2. Mentorship programs: Mentorship programs can be a valuable way to connect with experienced professionals in the entertainment industry and receive guidance and support as you launch your career. Many industry organizations and associations offer mentorship programs, as do some companies and studios.
  3. Other internship opportunities: Beyond Cartoon Network, there are many other internship opportunities available in the entertainment industry. These may be with other animation studios, film and television production companies, marketing agencies, or other related organizations. Researching these opportunities and applying to positions that align with your skills and interests can be a valuable way to gain experience and build your professional network.
  4. Entry-level positions: While internships and other programs can be valuable ways to gain experience in the entertainment industry, it’s important to remember that there are also many entry-level positions available in the industry. These may be in areas like production, marketing, or administration, and can provide valuable hands-on experience and opportunities for growth.

there are many different opportunities available for aspiring entertainment professionals beyond internships at Cartoon Network. By researching and applying to a variety of programs and positions, you can gain valuable experience and build your network in the industry.

Skills Gained

The Cartoon Network Internship Program offers a wealth of opportunities for interns to gain valuable skills and experience in the animation industry. Here are a few examples of the skills that interns can expect to gain during their time at Cartoon Network:

  1. Technical Skills: Interns will have the opportunity to develop their technical skills in areas such as storyboarding, character design, animation software, and post-production. They will receive guidance and feedback from experienced professionals in the industry, helping them to refine their skills and develop their abilities.
  2. Creative Skills: Interns will also have the opportunity to develop their creative skills, including idea generation, storytelling, and character development. They will work alongside other creative professionals in the industry, learning from their expertise and gaining valuable insight into the creative process.
  3. Networking Opportunities: Interns will have the opportunity to network with other professionals in the animation industry, including executives, producers, and other industry leaders. These connections can be invaluable for future career opportunities and can help interns to establish themselves as emerging talent in the industry.
  4. Collaboration and Communication: Interns will have the opportunity to work closely with other members of the team, including writers, storyboard artists, and animators. They will learn how to effectively communicate their ideas and collaborate with others to achieve a common goal.
  5. Industry Insight: Finally, interns will gain valuable insight into the animation industry, including trends, challenges, and emerging opportunities. They will gain a deeper understanding of the industry and its various components, helping them to make informed decisions about their future career path.

Overall, the Cartoon Network Internship Program offers a unique and valuable opportunity for interns to gain hands-on experience and develop the skills necessary for a successful career in the animation industry.

Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of interns at Cartoon Network can vary depending on their interests and skill sets, as well as the specific needs of the projects they are working on. Here are a few examples of the types of roles and responsibilities that interns might take on during their internship:

  1. Storyboard Development: Interns may work alongside storyboard artists and writers to develop storyboards for new episodes of Cartoon Network shows. This may involve sketching out initial storyboards, revising and editing existing storyboards, and collaborating with other members of the team to refine the storyline.
  2. Character Design: Interns may assist with the design of new characters for Cartoon Network shows, including developing sketches and concepts for new characters and working with other members of the team to refine the design.
  3. Post-Production: Interns may assist with the post-production process, including editing and sound design, as well as working with other members of the team to ensure that the final product meets the network’s standards.
  4. Network Meetings: Interns may attend meetings with executives and other members of the network to discuss the progress of ongoing projects and to provide feedback and ideas for future projects.
  5. Research and Development: Interns may conduct research on trends in the animation industry, as well as on the interests and preferences of the network’s target audience. This research can help inform the development of new projects and initiatives.

Overall, interns at Cartoon Network are expected to be proactive, enthusiastic, and willing to take on a variety of roles and responsibilities. By working closely with other members of the team and taking on meaningful work, interns can gain valuable experience and develop the skills necessary for a successful career in the animation industry.

cartoon network internship Experience

Former Cartoon Network interns have reported a wide range of positive experiences during their time at the network. One common theme among their stories is the opportunity to work on exciting and challenging projects alongside experienced professionals in the animation industry.

Many former interns have reported that they were given meaningful and hands-on work to do during their internship, such as assisting with storyboarding, character design, or post-production. They have also noted that they were encouraged to share their own ideas and perspectives with their colleagues, which helped them to feel valued and supported as members of the team.

In addition to the work experience, former interns have reported that the Cartoon Network Internship Program offers a variety of opportunities for professional development and networking. These opportunities include attending industry events and workshops, meeting with executives and other professionals in the industry, and participating in mentorship programs.

Overall, former interns have described the Cartoon Network Internship Program as a challenging and rewarding experience that helped them to grow both personally and professionally. They have noted that the program provided them with valuable skills and experience that helped them to launch successful careers in the animation industry.


In conclusion, Cartoon Network internships can be a valuable way for aspiring entertainment professionals to gain hands-on experience in the industry, build their professional network, and launch their careers. By researching available positions, tailoring application materials, and preparing carefully for interviews, applicants can increase their chances of landing a coveted internship at Cartoon Network.

However, there are also many other opportunities available for aspiring entertainment professionals, including fellowships, mentorship programs, and other internship opportunities in the industry. By exploring a variety of programs and positions, and demonstrating enthusiasm and passion for the entertainment industry, individuals can gain the skills and experience needed to succeed in this exciting and dynamic field.

So whether you’re interested in animation, production, marketing, or any other area of the entertainment industry, don’t hesitate to explore the many opportunities available to you. With hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn, you can achieve your goals and make your mark in this exciting and dynamic field.

frequently asked questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Cartoon Network Internship Program:

  1. Who is eligible to apply for the internship program?
    To be eligible for the program, you must be a current college student or recent college graduate.
  2. When does the internship program take place?
    The program typically runs for 10-12 weeks during the summer months.
  3. What roles are available within the internship program?
    The specific roles available may vary depending on the needs of the network, but typically include areas such as production, design, and writing.
  4. What materials do I need to submit as part of my application?
    You will typically need to submit a resume, cover letter, and portfolio showcasing your skills and experience.
  5. What skills and qualifications are required for the program?
    The program looks for applicants with a range of technical and creative skills, including proficiency in animation software, design programs, and strong writing and communication skills.
  6. Is the internship program paid?
    Yes, the internship program is a paid position.
  7. Are internships available in locations other than Burbank, CA?
    While most internships are located in Burbank, CA, there may be some remote opportunities available depending on the needs of the network.
  8. How competitive is the internship program?
    The program is highly competitive, and applicants should be prepared to demonstrate their skills and passion for the industry in their application materials.

Overall, the Cartoon Network Internship Program offers a unique and valuable opportunity for emerging talent in the animation industry to gain hands-on experience and launch their careers. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in animation, I encourage you to consider applying to the program and taking the first step towards achieving your goals.

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