Home Make Money Online 10 Tips To Earn Passive Income On Amazon | Earn upto $7,950 Per Month
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10 Tips To Earn Passive Income On Amazon | Earn upto $7,950 Per Month

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You can start generating passive income online through a strategy called affiliate advertising. This isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme; affiliate marketing works like this: You, the distributor or partner, team up with a company to promote its products on your website using banners or potentially links within content. When a customer clicks on that content, they’ll be taken to the company’s website. And for all those clicks that turn into a purchase (an action known as a conversion), you’ll receive a commission as compensation for your referral.

It’s a relatively simple way to create passive income, and a very worthwhile one at that: A recent survey found that almost nine out of 10 distributors consider affiliate programs to be a key part of their overall marketing strategy, contributing to around 20 percent of their annual income on average. However, many distributors can get tangled up when it comes to setting up an affiliate store without any preparation. With a variety of programs and products to choose from, how do you know which one(s) will best reflect your site and your audience?

Enter: “How to Make Passive Income Amazon Affiliate Store,” a three-week course where participants learn how to set up a profitable member store with Amazon, the most popular affiliate program on the web. Great for bloggers and entrepreneurs alike, it features five hours of training that you can revisit whenever you’d like on any web or cell phone.

The course is led by John Shea, a businessman, gamer, and podcaster who interviews successful online business people on his show Voices Of Marketing. He initially explored the field of internet marketing as a way to make additional money, and now shares his insights as a means of helping other people achieve their goals just as he did.

Throughout his teaching, Shea will help you master the skills necessary to build an Amazon affiliate store that functions just like a great online business webpage. That includes choosing a niche and doing thorough keyword research; selecting a theme for your affiliate store; setting up that store; optimizing e-commerce SEO best practices, promoting your website; utilizing basic email marketing; maximizing conversions; and ultimately outsourcing your work to professional virtual assistants.

“Earning money while you sleep” has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? After hearing about people making hundreds and thousands of dollars while snoozing, we understand that you’ve become fixated on passive income. When you need extra income, the tired proposition offered is to find a part-time line of work. But what if you don’t have the energy and time to put in all those extra hours? This is where Amazon FBA comes into play.

Passive Income

Amazon has become an extraordinary source of passive income for individuals who want to generate additional income for their endeavors. The best part about learning how to create passive income using Amazon FBA is that there are no limits to the amount of money you can generate. So much so that you can even leave your job and become a full-time Amazon merchant.

Over the years, Amazon has shaped itself to be the easiest and most secure online business model to generate passive income from, especially the Private Label Selling. Amazon has access to millions of customers worldwide from which you can take advantage.

However, consider this – it takes an incredible amount of time to create high-quality products and significantly longer to market if you don’t have the faintest idea about the basics.

Yes, you heard that right! It’s as difficult as it sounds, and if you want to make passive income from Amazon, you have to adopt the mindset of a traditional Amazon seller. From product research to product listing, branding, marketing, and beyond, everything comes into play.

Nevertheless, this shouldn’t worry you because we are here to help! In this post, we will discuss the best ways to become an Amazon FBA Private Label Seller and earn passive income.

Whу go with private mаrk ѕеllіng?

Why opt for private label selling on Amazon? Private label selling has emerged as a practical avenue for online retailers to embark on their passive income journey. When you own a brand, it establishes its own personality, which can eventually drive significant sales. Private label selling is particularly suited for non-exclusive items.

However, non-exclusive items typically face stiff competition, making establishing your brand and winning the Buy Box a complex endeavor. In private label selling, a retailer or supplier legally owns the brand of the item, but they designate a manufacturer to produce the merchandise under their brand name. The manufacturer has no rights over the private label item or brand, but they profit from producing the goods.

What are the advantages of selling Amazon private label items?

Firstly, it relieves you of the pressure of sourcing items. With private label, you don’t need to source various items in small quantities; you can focus on acquiring larger volumes.

With private label selling, you can control the pricing of the product. You are responsible for your Amazon item listings. Unlike other Amazon selling models like wholesale and retail arbitrage, where there’s a tendency to undercut prices, in private label selling, you have more control over your product’s price.

Private label selling offers the opportunity to generate a better quantifiable profit. You can predict your sales, and you have more control over your brand image.

While private label selling has fantastic benefits, you may encounter some pitfalls if not done correctly. It all begins with product research. The items you choose to sell play a crucial role in determining the success of your Amazon FBA private label business.

In the following section, we will discuss the methods through which you can leverage private label selling and earn passive income.

Amazon Passive Income Guide 10 Tips

1. Identify Profitable Products for Private Label Selling

Identify Profitable Products for Private Label Selling

To embark on private label selling, it’s crucial to have the right items in your inventory. When researching products, various criteria should be considered to assess their value:

  • Compact size and lightweight
  • Long-lasting
  • Falling within a specific price range
  • Exclusivity
  • Potential for repeat orders

These criteria should be tailored to the market or niche you’re targeting. Avoid selling items with intense competition or low demand. The first step is to study the market and identify products that align best with Amazon private label selling.

Product research is a critical aspect where many sellers struggle or waste money on unprofitable items. When searching for a new product to sell on Amazon, consider factors such as competition, demand, uniqueness, sourcing, and shipping standards. The Amazon Best Sellers list is an excellent starting point, offering inspiration along with high competition.

However, don’t limit yourself to just that. There are numerous other sources for finding niche and product ideas, including Alibaba, eBay, Reddit, various keyword research tools, and more. Here’s 12 best Amazon sourcing and research tools for 2024

Once you’ve narrowed down potential products for your Amazon private label selling, further screening is necessary to determine the ideal product. The Amazon product research prerequisites include:

  • Product cost falling between $10-$50
  • At least 10 sales per day
  • A Best Sellers Rank (BSR) of at least 5000 in the main category
  • Top 3 keywords with 50,000+ monthly searches on Amazon
  • Year-round demand, not seasonal
  • Less than 50 reviews on the main page of Amazon search results
  • Not associated with trademarks or brand names
  • Potential for a 25% or lower profit margin
  • Room for growth and product listing optimization
  • Multiple keyword opportunities
  • Easy sourcing
  • Durable and not fragile
  • Potential to enhance your brand with related products
  • Encourages repeat purchases
  • No legal issues associated with the product

In summary, focus on customer behavior insights provided by “Customers Also Bought,” “Frequently Bought Together,” and “Sponsored Products” sections. Additionally, explore products from Amazon’s Best Seller Page for further ideas.

Moreover, utilize various online product research tools for faster and efficient product research.

2. Identifying the Manufacturer or Supplier for Your Product

Identifying the Manufacturer or Supplier for Your Product

Once you’ve pinpointed the perfect item for your private label FBA business, the next step is finding the manufacturer or supplier who can reliably provide high-quality units. You have the option to locate the manufacturer either in China or in the United States.

However, we highly recommend exploring local sourcing options. If the product is made locally, your customers will develop a sense of trust in you. Moreover, the proximity of the manufacturer and your distribution center will significantly reduce logistics costs.

Although Alibaba is a trusted platform for Amazon sellers to source their products, it comes with its own set of challenges. Therefore, you must choose a provider wisely based on your specific needs and requirements. here’s How to Find Distributors for Your Product

3. Developing Your Logo, Design, and Packaging

Developing Your Logo, Design, and Packaging

In a competitive marketplace like Amazon, where numerous dealers offer similar products, it’s crucial to differentiate your item to stand out. One effective strategy is through branding your product. This involves envisioning how you can effectively showcase or present your item to potential buyers.

It all begins with a well-crafted logo and appealing packaging. These elements play a key role in setting your product apart. You have the option to hire a freelance designer for creating your logo and packaging, or you can tackle it yourself if you’re familiar with design software like canva or similar platforms.

Consider how you can advertise your item effectively, ensuring that your branding is prominent and memorable. Your logo and packaging design should reflect the uniqueness of your product amidst the sea of similar offerings by other merchants on Amazon.

4. Product Branding and Trademarking

Product Branding and Trademarking

As an Amazon private label seller, you may encounter situations where your product content is altered by an unauthorized seller or face issues with counterfeit products. To address this, you should utilize Amazon Brand Registry. By trademarking your brand, you ensure that no other seller can counterfeit your products and profit from them. To start, you need to create a brand name. Choose a name that is easy to pronounce and not already registered. You can verify this by checking with the United States Patent and Trademark Office to see if the brand name already has a registered trademark.

5. Catchphrase Research

Catchphrase Research

Catchphrase research is as crucial as item research. While you might cover this part during item exploration, it’s essential to understand that Amazon catchphrases play a significant role in reaching your targeted customer base. Your products will be discovered through these catchphrases, making it imperative to identify all relevant keywords that match your item. These keywords will be utilized in the product URL, title, and description, among other optimization segments. However, it’s vital to avoid keyword stuffing, as this can be detrimental if Amazon detects it.

6. Product Title

Product Title

According to Amazon, you have around 50 words or 250 characters to compose an exceptional Amazon item title for your item. Your Amazon item title must incorporate the accompanying data:

  • Brand Name
  • Primary Keyword
  • Color, Variant, or Flavor
  • Quantity or Size

You have to underwrite the main letter of each word. Abstain from utilizing images and consistently compose numbers as numerals and not words. Never put special data, value, dealer data, and different parts of the item title. It ought to be short, simple to peruse and comprehend.

7. Product Images

Product Images

Product images are a crucial aspect of private label selling. Since buyers cannot physically inspect the item, they heavily rely on product images to make purchasing decisions. You can upload up to 9 high-quality images for each item. Ensure these images are in great HD quality and showcase the product from every conceivable angle. Always adhere to Amazon’s product photography guidelines to maintain consistency and professionalism. Hiring freelance product photographers can help you meet Amazon’s requirements and ensure your images are top-notch.

Key points:

  • High-quality HD product images
  • Compliance with Amazon’s product photography guidelines
  • Essential aspect of private label selling
  • Ensuring images meet Amazon’s standards

8. Product Description

Product Description

After item pictures, the item portrayal is what most purchasers read to find out about the item they are going to buy. Amazon item portrayal character limit is 2000 characters or 300 words (approx.). You have to compose a fascinating item portrayal referencing your image, the advantages of utilizing the item, the worth they get, and the sky is the limit from there. You can check your rivals’ listings to show signs of improvement thought of the Amazon item portrayal.

Product descriptions are critical in capturing potential buyers’ attention after they view the product images. On Amazon, the product description character limit is 2000 characters or approximately 300 words. Here’s an engaging item description that highlights the brand, the benefits of the product, the value it provides, and more. Reviewing competitors’ listings can also offer valuable insights into crafting a compelling Amazon product description.

9. Key Product Features

Key Product Features

The item includes what you notice in the bulleted list. This incorporates the advantages and highlights of the item. In this segment, you need to make purchasers believe this is the item they need. Use basic language and keep the sentences short (15-25 words). Include essential catchphrases and LSI keywords similarly.

10. Choose Amazon FBA

Choose Amazon FBA

Enhance your business with Fulfillment by Amazon. Amazon FBA relieves you of the hassle of packaging and shipping. Simply send your inventory to any of the Amazon warehouses. From there, Amazon will handle everything from order processing to packaging and convenient delivery of the item.


Combining both affiliate marketing and Amazon FBA strategies can be a game-changer for your passive income goals. With careful planning and consistent effort, you could potentially earn around $7,950 per month. This amount is achievable by leveraging the strengths of each method: the steady commissions from affiliate marketing and the substantial profits from Amazon FBA sales.

To maximize your earnings, focus on:

  • Selecting high-demand, low-competition products.
  • Optimizing your website for traffic and conversions.
  • Utilizing Amazon’s fulfillment services for efficient order processing.

Remember, the key to success lies in dedication and strategic execution. Keep refining your approaches, stay updated with market trends, and don’t hesitate to invest in tools and resources that can streamline your processes. By staying committed, you’ll be well on your way to achieving impressive passive income through these powerful strategies.

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Shakshi - Manager

Hi, I'm Shakshi, the Manager at PiximFix! My role is all about ensuring that our daily operations run smoothly and efficiently. I manage the team by assigning tasks to our talented content writers and marketers, making sure everything is on track. I also love bringing fresh ideas to the table, suggesting new features and improvements to enhance the user experience on our site. As the spokesperson for PiximFix, I handle external communications and build meaningful partnerships to help us grow. Excited to be a part of this amazing journey!


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