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Get Walmart Hiring Assessment Test Answers 2024

Walmart Hiring Assessment Test Answer

Thinking about working at Walmart? Your first big step is nailing the Walmart Hiring Assessment Test. It’s a key part of getting a job at this huge store. This test really matters. It shows if you’ve got what it takes to be part of the Walmart team. It checks your problem-solving skills, how you handle customers, and how you think in different situations. In this blog, we’re going to take a close look at the Walmart Assessment Test for 2024. We’ll give you the answers, tips, and tricks you need to do really well.

The Walmart Assessment Test is carefully made to pick the right people. It finds those who fit with Walmart’s way of doing things and what they believe in. This test isn’t just any test; it’s about Walmart’s promise to be the best. We made this guide to make the test easier for you to get. We’ll show you how to do great in every part of the test.

Let’s dig into the Walmart Assessment Test. Our guide has all the right answers, smart study tips, and info on how the test scores work. It’s perfect whether you’re new to job hunting or if you’ve done it before. This blog is your secret weapon to ace the test. Come with us on this adventure and open the door to doing well in the Walmart Assessment Test 2024.

What is the Walmart Assessment Test?

Walmart Hiring Assessment Test Answers

Understanding the Walmart Hiring Assessment Test is like unlocking a secret code to joining the Walmart family. It’s not just any test; it’s a gateway to discovering if you’re the right fit for the diverse and dynamic roles at Walmart. Think of it as a bridge connecting your skills and personality to the opportunities that Walmart offers.

Types of Questions and Formats Imagine stepping into a world of varied questions, each crafted to tap into different aspects of your potential. You’ll find yourself navigating through situational judgment questions, where hypothetical workplace scenarios come to life. Here, your decision-making skills take center stage as you choose the most effective responses.

But that’s not all. The test also dives into your personality, peeling back layers to understand your work style and behavioral traits. And let’s not forget the cognitive assessments – these are your moments to shine in numerical reasoning and verbal comprehension, showcasing your problem-solving prowess. The format? Primarily multiple-choice, but don’t let that fool you. It’s a challenge designed to probe your decision-making skills and situational awareness.

The Role of the Test in Walmart’s Recruitment Strategy So, why does Walmart put so much stock in this test? The answer lies in their quest for the perfect match. Walmart isn’t just looking for skilled individuals; they’re searching for people who resonate with their culture and values. This test acts like a sieve, filtering through candidates to find those who embody Walmart’s customer-centric approach and thrive in a team-oriented work environment. By acing this test, you’re doing more than just flaunting your skills. You’re signaling your readiness to be a vital part of the Walmart family, adding your unique color to their vibrant retail tapestry.

In essence, the Walmart Hiring Assessment Test isn’t just a hurdle to clear; it’s an opportunity to align your aspirations with Walmart’s vision. It’s a journey through a series of questions that not only test your abilities but also invite you to step into the shoes of a Walmart team member. So, as you prepare for this test, remember, you’re not just answering questions; you’re showcasing your potential to be part of something bigger.

Key Sections of the Walmart Assessment Test

Jumping into the Walmart Assessment Test is like going on a treasure hunt. Each part is an important step to get a job at Walmart. Let’s look at these important parts, okay?

  1. Customer Service Scenarios Imagine you’re working at Walmart. You’ll face different customer situations, each one like a mystery to solve. This part checks how well you handle these moments. You’ll see scenarios with happy, angry, or confused customers. Your task? Pick the best answer that shows Walmart’s great customer service. It’s like being a detective, figuring out your style in helping customers.
  2. Problem Solving at Work Now, think you’re in a busy Walmart. This part gives you brain teasers and puzzles to test your problem-solving. You might get number problems or logic puzzles. Each one lets you show off your smart thinking. It’s not just about the right answer. It’s showing how you tackle tough situations, really important in Walmart’s busy stores.
  3. Work Experience Questionnaire This is about your past jobs. It’s like looking back at your work history, but for a reason. You’ll talk about old jobs, what you did, and skills you learned. It’s more than just facts; it’s a chance to show how your past work fits with Walmart’s values. It’s like sharing your work story, with each part adding to who you are.
  4. Personality Questionnaire Next, we look at your personality. This part acts like a mirror, showing your work style and how you act. You’ll see statements and say if you agree or disagree. It’s exploring who you are inside. Walmart uses this to see if you match their work culture.

Each part of the test is a puzzle piece. Doing well is your ticket to job chances at Walmart. Remember, it’s not just about correct answers. It’s showing you’re right for Walmart’s way. So, take a deep breath, face each part, and let the real you shine.

Strategies for Success

Alright, let’s talk strategy for acing the Walmart Hiring Assessment Test. It’s like preparing for a big game – you need the right techniques, an understanding of the rules, and a bit of insider knowledge.

1. Customer Service Scenarios

  • Preparation Tip: Put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Imagine you’re on the other side of the counter. How would you want to be treated? Practice with different scenarios – the angry customer, the confused one, or the happy one. It’s like role-playing for success.
  • Common Mistake: Don’t jump to conclusions. Sometimes the obvious answer isn’t the best one. Think about Walmart’s values – they’re big on respect and empathy.
  • Insight: Walmart loves a problem-solver who can keep their cool. Show them you’re that person.

2. Problem Solving at Work

  • Preparation Tip: Brush up on basic math and logic puzzles. These aren’t just number games; they’re about showing how you think on your feet.
  • Common Mistake: Rushing through questions. Take your time. It’s not a race; it’s more like a chess game.
  • Insight: Walmart values efficiency and accuracy. Show them you’ve got both.

3. Work Experience Questionnaire

  • Preparation Tip: Reflect on your past jobs. What did you learn? How did you grow? It’s like telling your career story with Walmart in mind.
  • Common Mistake: Being too general. Be specific about your experiences and skills.
  • Insight: Walmart’s looking for team players with a strong work ethic. Highlight those qualities in your answers.

4. Personality Questionnaire

  • Preparation Tip: Be honest. This section is like a personality mirror – it’s best when it reflects the real you.
  • Common Mistake: Trying to guess what Walmart wants to hear. Remember, there’s no ‘one size fits all’ in personality.
  • Insight: Walmart’s looking for authenticity and alignment with their culture. Let your true self shine.

General Tips:

  • Mock Tests: Practice makes perfect. Try out some mock tests online. It’s like a scrimmage before the big game.
  • Understand Walmart’s Culture: Do a bit of homework on Walmart’s values and culture. It’s like knowing the home ground advantage.
  • Stay Calm and Confident: Nerves are normal, but confidence is key. Take deep breaths, stay positive, and believe in yourself.

The Walmart Hiring Assessment Test is more than just a hurdle. It’s your chance to show you’re a great fit for the team. So, go in there with your game face on, and knock it out of the park!

Walmart Retail Associate Assessment Answers

We carefully review each response to ensure that we provide the most accurate answers to your questions. If you notice any errors, please let us know by using the comments section located at the bottom of the page. Additionally, you can use the Ctrl+F (Cmd+F) function to help you quickly search through the large set of questions.

A customer member tries to use a coupon that is only good for full-priced items to purchase an item that is on sale. She becomes confused when you explain that she can use the coupon.Most – Apologize for the confusion and explain that the coupon only applies to full-priced items.
Least – Find your supervisor and ask if he can approve the discount.
A coworker did not clean his work area before going home. This could cause an accident, so you quickly clean up. The next day you see the coworker.Most – Tell him he should be more careful because his work area could have resulted in an accident.
Least – Let him know you cleaned up his work area and that he owes you a favor.
A customer/member asks you about a new mobile phone that is out of stock. You expect to have the phone back in a few days, but the customer/member wants it sooner.Most – Offer to call another store nearby to see if they have the phone in stock.
Least – Take the customer/memberś contact info and promise to have someone call her as soon as the phone come in
You are working on task with a new team. This task is very challenging, and you and your team are starting to become overwhelmed and stressed.Most – Try to encourage the team to work together, express confidence in yourself and the team.
Least – Work as hard as you can to complete the tasks you were assigned. If the others work as hard as you, the team will complete the task on time.
Your new team is working hard, but they are all less experienced than you and don complete their tasks as quickly.Offer to help others and complete their tasks; observe their work process and provide some tips that help them.
Least – Remind your coworkers of performance expectations and that they need to be working harder to complete tasks.
You are working with an experienced associate. He insists on completing a task a certain way, but you know there is a more efficient method.Tell him you like to learn more about his technique, inform him you have other methods that worked well in the past.
Least – Reach out to your manager
One of your customers has just said to you, “This service here is horrible.” You should say:“What is it about the service that you have not liked?”
You are responsible for which of the following Walmart
A customer came to your department with an urgent question. You promised here that you would collect information about her question and answer it by noon. It will take you at least 20 minutes to gather the information needed to provide an answer. It is now 11:50 a.m. Your supervisor just scheduled a 30-minute meeting to start at noon This meeting is for all employees in your department. You decide to:Ask your supervisor if you can be late for the meeting.
Terry, who has been an employee in your department for about six months, can be careless about safety. He hasn’t been involved in any serious accidents, but he’s had many near misses. Your supervisor asked you to introduce a new employee, Susan, so the
department and to help with her training. Terry overheard and offered to show Susan the safety procedures. Your supervisor thought that would be a great idea. What should you do?
Tell your supervisor that Terry has had many near misses and not much experience.
It’s been a very busy day, and you have just gotten a customer complaint. This is the third time today that this same customer has complained to an employee about the same problem. However, it’s the first time that you have spoken with her. You best course of action is to:Apologize to the customer and ask if she would like to speak to a supervisor.
Each shift, you have to complete several task before leaving for the day. It is near the end of your shift and you probably will not have enough time to finish all of your assigned work before leaving. The best thing you can do is:Explain the situation to your supervisor and ask for help.
One of my coworkers frequently complains about the problem she has with a customer you decide toAsk her if she would like to discuss the situation and try to find a solution together.
A customer/member tries to use a coupon that is only good for full-
priced items to purchase an item that is on sale. She becomes confused
when you explain that she can’t use the coupon.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most – Stop working on your task and help your coworker.
Least – Explain to your coworker that you can help because you have to finish what you’ve working on to meet your shift goal.
Your shift’s productivity is slow because one person is not pulling his
share. The rest of the team is getting upset.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most: Tell the struggling team member to work faster because
he is holding the team back
Least: Recognize that everyone has a bad day once in a while
Focus on your own work, not someone else’s.
A customer/member is looking for a particular brand of cold medicine and can find it in the health and wellness area. He approaches you for help.Most – Explain where he can find the medicine. Offer to walk him there if he would like some help finding it.
Least – Show him to the aisle with the medicine and let him know he can save some money by purchasing a brand thatś on sale.
Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworkers have to work harder to make up for this.Most – Give her advice and tips for how to get things done correctly and efficently.
Least – Talk to your supervisor about the situation. Suggest that this might not be the best role for your coworker.
During a busy time at the bakery counter, a loyal customerMost – Apologize and tell him you see another customer/member that needs your help.
Least – In order to keep him happy, allow him to continue his story until he is finished.
A customer/member asks you about a new mobile phone that is out of
stock. You expect to have the phone back in a few days, but the
customer/member wants it sooner.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most: Let her know you have a similar, less expensive phone in
stock. Ask if she would like to learn more about it.
Least:Apologize and let her know that your store usually has
large stock and will have the phone available again ven
A coworker did not clean his work area before going home. This could cause an accident, so you quickly clean up. The next day you see the coworker.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most: Tell him he should be more careful because his work area
could have resulted in an accident
Least: Say nothing to him because the problem has been taken care of
Your new team is working hard, but they are all less experienced than you and don’t complete their tasks as quickly. What would you be most and least likely to do?Most: Remind your coworkers of performance expectations and
that they need to be working harder to complete tasks
Least: Give your coworkers more time to figure out how to do the task; they likely just need more practice with what they’ve already learned
You are working closely with an experienced associate. He insists on completing a task a certain way, but you know there is a more efficient method
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most: Tell him you like to learn more about his technique, Inform
him you have other methods that have worked well in the past.
Least: Your coworker’s method works just fine, avoid upsetting him and compile the tasks
You are working to finish an assigned task in order to meet your shift goal when a coworker urgently asks you for help with something you know a lot about.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most: Ask ypur coworker if it can wait until you are finished with
your task because you have a deadline.
Least: Tell your coworker that you will help in a few minutes if
you can reach a good stopping point.
During a busy time at the bakery counter, a loyal customer/member stops you to chat. As he’s talking, you notice a customer/member nearby that needs help.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most Apologias and tell him you see another customer/member
Least In order to keep him happy, allow him to continue his
story until he is finished
Your newest coworker is not as productive as other members of your team. You and your coworkers have to work harder to make up for this.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most Give her advice and tips for how to get things done
correctly and efficiently
Least Be patient. Give her more time to learn the job so that her
productivity will increase.
A customer/member owes $11.02 and pays $100.00 in cash. The change due is $88.98.
Provide the amount owed using the smallest number of bills and coins possible
4- $20s
1- $5
3- $1s
3 quarters
2 dimes
3 pennies
A customer/member owes $10.51 and pays $50.00 in cash. The change due is $39,49,
Provide the amount owed using the smallest number of bills and coins possible.
1- $20
1- $10
4- $1s
1 quarter
2 dimes
4 pennies
I dislike/ enjoy competing with othersCompeting- Most like me
I work best in steady, relaxed/ fast- past work environmentFast paced- most like me
I try to do things as my manager asksMost like me
It is best to tell the complete and honest truth, even if it hurts someone feelingsMost like me
People can not always expect others to help them finish their workMost like me
People come to me for a positive povMost like me
Success is what drives me in my workMost like me
I always do more than what is required at workMost like me
Most people look out for the well being of othersMost like me
It is critical to take the time ensure the accuracy of one’s workMost like me
I have never made mistakes at workMostly like me
I enjoy competing with othersMostly like me
I work efficiently in highly stressful situationsMostly like me
I enjoy fast paced hetic daysMostly like me
I try to do things my manager wantsMostly like me
I strictly follow rules even when others don’tMostly like me
Frequently I spend time helping coworkers with their workMostly like me
I always look on the bright side of thingsMostly like me
I prefer goals what push me to the limits of my abilityMostly like me
I have full confidence in my ability to succeedMostly like me
I always go beyond my job duties at workMostly like me
Most people treat others fairly and honestlyMostly like me
Work should be as perfect as possible the first time aroundMostly like me
I always treat people fairlyMostly like me
A cashier asks for your help as a customer/member wants to make a
return one day beyond the return window. You can make some
exceptions, but too many will affect store profits.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most- Apologize, but explain the policy’s set timeline for returns.
Stick to the policy to protect profits.
Least- Offer store credit for the price of the product. It’s still a
loss, but will lessen the impact.
One of your best performing associates has seemed distracted recently,
resulting in declines in sales. You’ve asked if anything is wrong, and she
said everything’s fine.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most- Give her specific examples of where her performance is slipping and ask what you can do to help
Least- Make her aware of the sales trends, then be patient and
give her time to bring her performance back up to where
it was
Some opening and closing shift associates are upset with how each
group is leaving their areas. They disagree on who is responsible for each
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most- Create an action plan to improve shift changes and clarity
duties. Ask for feedback on the plan, and hold associates
accountable for sticking to it.
Least-Give your associates time to resolve the issue. Check in
frequently to ensure progress is made.
Your team is struggling; there have been missed goals, more complaints,
and attendance issues. You believe this is due to a decrease in team
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most- Don’t try to fix everything at once. Focus on one key
metric and set goals for your team
Least – Hold your associates accountable for the problem. Try to
change their attitudes
and challenge them to create a
solution. Rely on them to raise morale
One of your associates continues to make the same mistake when
stocking shelves. You have provided him with this feedback multiple
times, but the mistake keeps occurring.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most- Immediately set up a short training session with the
associate, Show him the correct method and make sure
he can do it.
Least- Make a note of this and highlight it during your next
meeting. Be honest and upfront with him. Make sure he
understands that he must not make this mistake.
The overall sales for your store are very strong. You are exceeding your
overall goals. However, there are a couple of departments where there
are some performance issues.
What would you be most and least likely to do?
Most- Do some investigating, Talk to a few members of the
poor-performing departments and try to figure out exactly
why they are not meeting goals
Least- Try to motivate the poor-performing departments. Show
them how the other departments are performing. Tell
them you are confident that they can perform at similar
One of your associates continues to show up late for work. You have
mentioned this to him before, and he says it will get better. Conversations
are becoming tense and awkward.
What would you be mast and least likely to do?
Must -Have an honest conversation with the associate, Toll him
you appreciate his work, but he needs to start showing
up on time as it impacts the entire team.
At least -Tell him his behavior needs to change immediately or
there will be consequences.

After the Test What’s Next?

Evaluating Candidates Through Skills Assessment thumb 1

Alright, you’ve finished the Walmart Hiring Assessment Test. You might be wondering, “What’s next?” Let’s go over what happens after the test, from how it’s scored to your next actions.

Let’s start with how the test is scored. Walmart keeps the scoring details secret, like a hidden recipe. But it’s known that the test is marked as pass or fail. Every part of the test adds to your total score. Picture it as a puzzle; each piece must fit right for the whole picture to come together. Doing well in one part can help if you didn’t do as well in another. However, it’s best to try and do equally well in all parts.

Now, let’s talk about understanding your results. If you pass, that’s awesome! It means you’ve overcome a big challenge in getting a job at Walmart. But passing isn’t everything. It’s also about matching your skills and personality with what Walmart is looking for. Your test results give you an idea of how well you fit with Walmart’s team.

What if your results aren’t as good as you hoped? Don’t worry. It’s not the end. Use this as a chance to learn. Think about the parts you found hard and how to get better. It’s like getting tips in a video game – it shows you where to improve for next time.

What to do after the test? If you passed, watch your email or phone. Walmart will probably contact you for an interview or more tests. It’s like waiting for a call after a successful try-out. Use this time to learn about Walmart and get ready for any interviews.

If you didn’t pass, don’t get discouraged. Remember, even successful paths can have setbacks. See this as a chance to grow and get ready to try again later. Meanwhile, you can get more experience or skills that fit the job you want at Walmart.

In short, after the test, be patient and think positively. Whether you’re happy about passing or thinking about trying again, remember this test is just one part of your career path. Keep learning and focusing on your goals. Walmart always welcomes those who are ready and keep trying.

Expert Tips and Best Practices

Navigating the Walmart Hiring Assessment Test can feel like a journey through uncharted waters. But fear not, as we’ve gathered pearls of wisdom from industry experts and seasoned test-takers to help you sail smoothly through this challenge. Let’s dive into these expert tips and best practices:

1. Insights from the Pros

  • Understand the ‘Why’ Behind Each Question: Experts suggest that each question is designed with a purpose. It’s not just about what you answer, but why you choose that answer. Think like a strategist; each question is a piece of the larger puzzle that is your potential role at Walmart.
  • Embrace the Walmart Mindset: Industry insiders emphasize aligning your responses with Walmart’s core values. This means showcasing qualities like teamwork, customer focus, and adaptability in your answers.

2. Time Management Tactics

  • The Art of Prioritization: Allocate your time wisely. Some questions might require more thought than others. It’s like a time-management game where you have to balance speed with accuracy.
  • Practice Makes Perfect: Former test-takers often recommend timed practice tests. This helps you get a feel for the pacing and learn how to allocate your time effectively across different sections.

3. Navigating Tricky Questions

  • Read Between the Lines: Sometimes, the trickiest questions are those that seem straightforward. Look for nuances and consider what each question is truly asking.
  • Elimination is Key: When in doubt, start by eliminating the most obviously incorrect answers. This narrows down your choices and increases your chances of selecting the right one.
  • Stay Calm and Collected: Anxiety can cloud judgment. If you hit a tough question, take a deep breath, and approach it methodically. Remember, it’s not just about finding the right answer but also demonstrating your problem-solving approach.

4. Learning from Experience

  • Seek Out Testimonials: Hearing from those who’ve walked this path before can be enlightening. Look for forums or discussion groups where former applicants share their experiences.
  • Reflect on Personal Experiences: Think about past situations in work or life that align with the scenarios in the test. How did you react? What was the outcome? This reflection can guide your responses.

5. The Day of the Test

  • Rest and Recharge: A well-rested mind is more alert and efficient. Ensure you get a good night’s sleep before the test.
  • Set the Stage: Choose a quiet, comfortable spot for taking the test if it’s online. Minimize distractions to keep your focus sharp.

The Walmart Hiring Assessment Test is more than a hurdle; it’s an opportunity to showcase your fit for a role in one of the world’s largest retailers. With these expert tips and best practices in your arsenal, you’re well-equipped to tackle the test with confidence and poise. Good luck!


As we finish our look at the Walmart Hiring Assessment Test, let’s think about what we’ve learned. This test is a big part of getting a job at Walmart, and it’s not just a bunch of questions. It checks your skills, your personality, and how you fit with Walmart’s way of doing things.

We’ve gone through the different parts of the test. There are parts that see how you handle talking to customers and solving problems. There’s also a part that looks at your work style. The test looks at everything.

Getting ready is important. Learn about the questions, practice managing your time, and know what Walmart thinks is important. This test isn’t just about passing; it’s about showing you’re right for working at one of the biggest stores in the world.

So, take this test seriously and get ready well. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to jobs or have worked a lot before. This test is your chance to show you’re ready to join the Walmart team. Try your hardest and maybe you’ll start a great job at Walmart.

In the end, this is more than just about getting a job. It’s about finding a place where you fit in, can get better, and help out. The Walmart Hiring Assessment Test is your first step to that chance. Get ready, do your best on the test, and be prepared for what comes next. Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What exactly is the Walmart Hiring Assessment Test?

  • The Walmart Hiring Assessment Test is a crucial part of the application process for those seeking employment at Walmart. It’s designed to evaluate a range of skills and qualities, including problem-solving abilities, customer service aptitude, and how well a candidate’s values align with Walmart’s culture.

2. How long does the test take to complete?

  • Typically, the test takes about an hour to complete, but there’s no strict time limit. It’s important to work through the test at a pace that allows you to carefully consider each question.

3. Can I retake the test if I don’t pass the first time?

  • Yes, but there’s a catch. If you don’t pass, you’ll need to wait six months before you can retake it. So, it’s crucial to prepare thoroughly for your first attempt.

4. What types of questions are included in the test?

  • The test includes a variety of question types, such as situational judgment questions, personality assessments, and problem-solving challenges. These are designed to assess how you might handle real-world scenarios you’d encounter in a Walmart store.

5. Is the test the same for all positions at Walmart?

  • While the core structure of the test is similar, the specific questions and scenarios may vary depending on the position you’re applying for. For instance, managerial roles might include more leadership-oriented questions.

6. How should I prepare for the test?

  • Familiarize yourself with Walmart’s core values and principles, as many questions are designed to assess your fit with their culture. Practice with sample assessment tests available online, and brush up on basic math and problem-solving skills.

7. What happens after I complete the test?

  • After completing the test, your results will be reviewed alongside your application. If you pass, you’ll likely move on to the next stage of the hiring process, which could include interviews or further assessments.
Written by
Roshan Roy -

Hi, I'm Roshan, the creative mind behind Piximfix. I'm passionate about photography, graphic design, and digital marketing, and I love sharing tips, tutorials, and reviews to help others improve their skills. At Piximfix, my goal is to provide high-quality, easy-to-follow content that empowers you to achieve your creative goals. When I'm not creating content, I enjoy exploring new digital tools and staying updated with the latest industry trends. Join me on this exciting journey and discover how Piximfix can help you unlock your full creative potential.


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